Welcome to my little spot on the internet where I try to collect a few links and bits of what I do.
Dear recruiters, Thanks for stopping by, nothing to see here for you. Thanks.
- Java User Group Hannover
- iJUG e.V
- JavaForumNord (2015 — 2020)
My plugins on JetBrains Marketplace
IntelliJ IDEA Trickkiste - Ein Entwickler packt aus
- JUG Göttingen Göttingen/Germany
- JUG Mannheim Mannheim/Germany
- JUG Hessen Kassel/Germany - Recording
- Magdeburger Developer Days Magdeburg/Germany
- JUG Nürnberg Nuremberg/Germany
Tooling for IntelliJ Platform Plugins
- FOSDEM Brussels/Belgium
- Oracle Code One San Francisco/USA
IntelliJ IDEA & Co: Tips & Tricks unveiled
- code.talks Hamburg/Germany - Recording
Just one more thing with Spring in IntelliJ IDEA
SpringCon.Tech New Orleans/USconference called- Spring I/O Barcelona/Spain with Stéphane Nicoll (Pivotal)
- Devoxx France Paris/France
IntelliJ IDEA & Co: Tips & Tricks unveiled
- Code Europe Krakow/Poland
IntelliJ IDEA Trickkiste - Ein Entwickler packt aus
- JUG Paderborn Paderborn/Germany
IntelliJ IDEA & Co: Tips & Tricks unveiled
- MobCon Europe Sofia/Bulgaria
IntelliJ IDEA Trickkiste - Ein Entwickler packt aus
- German: Article published in Java aktuell 02-2017
- JUG Karlsruhe Karlsruhe/Germany
- JUG Darmstadt Darmstadt/Germany
- JUG Bielefeld Bielefeld/Germany
- JUG Ostfalen Wolfsburg/Germany
40 Tips & Tricks for Spring in IntelliJ IDEA
with Stéphane Nicoll (Pivotal)
- jDays Göteborg/Sweden
40 Tips & Tricks for Spring in IntelliJ IDEA
with Stéphane Nicoll (Pivotal)
- Spring Day Tokyo/Japan
- JavaDay Kyiv Kyiv/Ukraine
- Voxxed Days Belgrade Belgrade/Serbia
- SpringOne Platform Las Vegas/US
- Devoxx Poland Krakow/Poland
- Spring I/O Barcelona/Spain
IntelliJ IDEA Trickkiste - Ein Entwickler packt aus
- JUG Hannover Hannover/Germany
Developing on the IntelliJ Platform
- CodeStock Knoxville/US
Spring Boot is Made for Tooling
with Stéphane Nicoll (Pivotal)
- SpringOne2GX Washington/US
- Spring I/O Barcelona/Spain
Plug-in-Entwicklung für IntelliJ IDEA
- JavaLand Brühl/Germany
Busy Plugin Developers (Series)
various participants YouTube
What’s New in IntelliJ IDEA 2016.2 for Spring Developers
with Stéphane Nicoll (Pivotal) YouTube